
The Tire Depot

Auto Repair & Serv, Fairfield CA 94533-3820


The Tire Depot

1990 N Texas ,
Fairfield CA 94533-3820
[email protected]
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We are one of the leading auto repair shops serving customers in Fairfield, CA, Vallejo, CA, Vacaville, CA, and surrounding areas. All automotive repair and mechanic services at Tire Depot are performed by highly qualified mechanics. Our mechanic shop works on numerous vehicles with the use of quality truck and car repair equipment. Whether you drive a passenger car, medium sized truck, mini-van, or SUV, our mechanics strive to ensure that your vehicle will be performing at its best before leaving one of our service bays. Our auto repair shop is capable of servicing a variety of makes and models. Our superior standards show that our mechanics always have the best interests of our customers in mind. Looking for a one-stop automotive repair shop? Look no further than us, and allow our mechanics to give you a reliable estimate of any automotive repair issue you might be facing.

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    Business Hours
  • Mon-Fri: 8:30am-5:30pm, Sun: 9:30am-1pm
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awesome deals!

8 Oct 2014

Came by here on a SUNDAY, and not only were they open but they gave me a great deal on a set if 15" tires.